Middle School

Lesson #1

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Grade: 6-8


Lesson Title: 

Skin Tone and Color Mixing 

Number of Class periods: 


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to compare and contrast skin tones through exploring color mixing formulas.

Student Connections:

Self identity and cultural awareness  


Students will be assessed on the combination and outcome of their color mixing process


Turquoise, magenta, red, blue, yellow, black, and white tempera paint, paint brushes, water, paper towel, and bristol

Art Historical References: 

New York State Learning Standards for the Arts — Visual Arts (VA)

VA:Pr5.1.2a: Distinguish between different materials or artistic techniques for preparing artwork for presentation.  

Developing Academic Language through the Visual Arts:


Language Function: 

Students will be able to explain their color mixing choices

Syntax or Discourse: 

(Choose ONE to focus on)

The academic language will provide an opportunity to use discourse while explain their color mixing process

Language Supports: 

Visual aids, small groups

Differentiated Learning:

Whole Class:

Will Recreate their create and explore mixing skintone

Groups of students with similar needs:

Will work in small groups together 

Individual students:

Will use a worksheet with a couple of base formulas

Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:

Will work in small groups together and use the worksheet with a couple of formulas

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:

Some common errors may consist of adding too much green, black or blue to their palette and creating a skin tone that is too gray in appearance 



Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY 1


Time Allotment 

(Total time: 45 minutes_   minutes)


A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

The lesson will a short introduction to skin tones explaining cool,warm, neutral, and painting examples, followed by a video Bryon Kim’s Synecdoche and mini demonstration


Key Questions:

Does the outcome of my skin tone change if I start with another color?

How do I create cool skin tones without it becoming too green or gray?

How do I add warmth to a skin color without it becoming too orange or yellow?


B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Google slides

C. Modeling/Demonstration

Demonstration of mixing a skin tone

D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

I will determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives by checking in with them and observing their color mixing progress progress.

E. Closure

TAG and talk about the next lesson.