High School


Lesson #1

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Grade: 11th & 12th


Lesson Title: 

Presentations & Connecting Themes

Number of Class periods: 


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to describe their graphic novel to the group by presenting their work with a brief synopsis of their story.

Student Connections:

Group activities, brainstorming, presenting, comics, super heroes


The formative assessment will include peer feedback and discussion.


Drawing paper and pencil

Art Historical/Modern References: 

Critiques, Storyboard development for film, graphic novels, and animation

New York State Learning Standards for the Arts — Visual Arts (VA)

Presenting: VA:P4.1.HSII: Analyze, select, and critique personal artwork for a collection or portfolio presentation


VA:Re:7.2.HSII:Identify commonalities within a group of artists or visual images attributed to a particular type of art time frame or culture. 

Developing Academic Language through the Visual Arts:


Storyboarding, typography, color scheme, 

Language Function: 

Students will describe their artistic choices for their graphic novel during presentation 

Syntax or Discourse: 

(Choose ONE to focus on)


Language Supports: 

To help learners practice academic language this lesson will use visual aids

Differentiated Learning:

Whole Class:

Class discussion 

Groups of students with similar needs:

Will work together in small groups

Individual students:

Peer modeling

Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:

Visual aids and peer modeling to support learning 

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:

Some partial misunderstandings may include a title that only reflects the individual students graphic novel which they may use for themselves and not for the group Anthology. 



Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY 1

Time Allotment 

(Total time:45  minutes)


Students will write 2-3 sentences about their comic to share their idea with the group and show 1-2 pages of their story. Then, students will work in groups of 3 to brainstorm connecting themes.


A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

Students will look over their completed graphic novels and write 2-3 sentences that best capture the main ideas and the characters in the comic.


Key Questions:

What are the main ideas of my graphic novel?

What makes it unique?

 What are the connecting themes in the stories?


B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Google slides

C. Modeling/Demonstration



D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

Students will present their work with a brief synopsis of their story.

After presentations students will be guided into groups of 3 to brainstorm connecting themes.


E. Closure

The lesson will end with a reflection

Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY2

Time Allotment 

(Total time:45  minutes)


Students will be reminded of connecting themes and then brainstorm ideas for one title for the Anthology that will include every student's graphic novel. The title will be decided by a vote.


A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

Students will be welcomed into the class and rejoin their groups. We will briefly discuss the connecting themes and each group will come up with potential titles. We will vote on one. 


Key Questions:

How can a tile create intrigue? Excitement?

What main ideas can be included in a title?

How long should a title be?



B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Google slides

We will briefly look at titles from comics and animations and discuss their effect: humorous, eerie, curiosity, etc.

C. Modeling/Demonstration



D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

Students will rejoin their groups to come up with ideas for titles for 10 minutes.

We will share them and vote on one. 


E. Closure

The lesson will end with a reflection