Different Models for Design Thinking

There are different models for design thinking. I will be comparing the Stanford D school and the Launch Cycle model for design thinking Both seek to have the same result. The Stanford D school thinking process models seems to go a bit faster and involves less research. Resulting in the prototype process to involve fast failure and quick recovery.

The defining process in this Stanford these school design thinking involves challenges enroll objectives as well as pain points, and personas. Ideate follows this step and involves everyone sharing their ideas, ideas diverging and converging and prioritizing what might work. After these two steps the prototype is created and tested. This process leaves a lot of room for error it does get a result quicker but seems to involve more rebuilding.

I prefer the extra steps of the launch cycle which involves all the research end questioning done in the beginning of the cycle and then finding what works with others in the group to pinpoint a specific solution to a problem, question, or challenge.



Juliani, A. J., Spencer, J. Launch: Using Design Thinking to Boost Creativity and Bring Out The Maker in Every Student, Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.(p.49-65)

Stanford D. School Design Model https://web.stanford.edu/~mshanks/MichaelShanks/files/509554.pdf


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