
Meaningful Making

Meaningful Making

Meaningful Making explores concepts of Paperts constructionism and finding deeper meanings of identity or associations like “I am a creative, I am a scientist, and I can solve problems.” (Blikstein) The design process also helps in addressing social issues through inclusive and emotional understanding. Middle school students are given a project and challenged on finding a solution that works for the project. David Clifford one of the creatives behind East Side Boy High School describes students learning through projects as “working in a variety of ways, to create, disrupt, and innovate in and around complex social systems.” (Clifford pp.5) Students...

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Cultural Practices & Connected Learning

Cultural Practices & Connected Learning

Minority youth engage and make their practices at home with the support of their family on an intergenerational level.Sewing and knitting can lead into basic math, Fractions maybe cultural history and if that educator wanted to dive into the science of human repetition or the history and mechanics of a sewing machine it could have stem potential, however it would only lead so far into scientific and mathematical aspects of learning.Pepler argued that working class Americans are used to aspects of the maker movement and can develop their skills more strongly to drive economic sustainability.Connected learning is the joining of...

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Design Thinking: Tech & Culture

creative design process technology

Design thinking can be thought of in 6-7 steps that aren't always the same. Primarily it will always begin with an a problem or prompt with restrictions. This is the ask process. Queuing our imaginations to start brewing up thoughts and ideas that could be possible solutions.

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Different Models for Design Thinking

Different Models for Design Thinking

There are different models for design thinking. I will be comparing the Stanford D school and the Launch Cycle model for design thinking Both seek to have the same result. The Stanford D school thinking process models seems to go a bit faster and involves less research. Resulting in the prototype process to involve fast failure and quick recovery. The defining process in this Stanford these school design thinking involves challenges enroll objectives as well as pain points, and personas. Ideate follows this step and involves everyone sharing their ideas, ideas diverging and converging and prioritizing what might work. After...

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