
 Elements of Nature

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Grade Level: 3rd

Lesson Title: 

Elements of Nature

Number of Class periods: 


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to discuss 2D and 3D works of art and its connection to nature. 

Student Connections:

Seasons, Wildlife, Oceans, Plants, Mountains, Islands, Animals


The formative assessment will include a class discussion.


Colored pencils, art stick, oil pastel, and drawing paper

Visual References/Art Historical References: 

Impressionist paintings

New York State Learning Standards for the Arts — Visual Arts (VA)

Va:Re8.1.2a Interpret art by identifying the mood suggested by a work of art and describing relevant subject matter and characteristics of form.

VA:Re.8.1.3a Interpret art by analyzing use of media to create subject matter, characteristics of form and mood.

Developing Academic Language through the Visual Arts:


Impressionism, Nature, Abstract, 

Language Function: 

Students will be able to evaluate the extent to which visual

elements work together to create an intended message

Syntax or Discourse: 

(Choose ONE to focus on)


Language Supports: 

To help learners practice academic language this lesson will use visual aids

Differentiated Learning:

Whole Class:

Class discussion 

Groups of students with similar needs:

Will work together in small groups

Individual students:

Peer modeling

Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:

Visual aids and peer modeling to support learning 

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:


Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY 1

Time Allotment 

(Total time:_45__   minutes)


Description: Students will view landscape paintings by Kandinsky, Klimt, and O’keeffe. Sculpture by Daniel Popper.

10 minutes

A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

 Breathing meditation 

Key Question:

 How does an artist communicate the season in a work of art?

What are the elements of Nature?

Which animals let us know it is a tropical environment and not a city?

5 minutes

B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Flow chart followed by slides of 2D and 3D works of art about wildlife,seasons,landscapes, and plants.

5 minutes

C. Modeling/Demonstration


20 minutes

D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

Students will work in small groups to analyze works of art to find key details

5 minutes

E. Closure

The lesson will end with a reflection and intro to next week

Winter Landscapes in Collage   

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Grade Level: 3rd 

Lesson Title: 

Create a Winter Landscape in Collage

Number of Class periods: 


Learning Objectives

Students will focus on background elements of their landscape using paper and fabric

Student Connections:

Language arts


Peer Feedback and Discussions


Drawing paper, marker, pencil, oil pastel, paint

Visual References/Art Historical References: 

New York State Learning Standards for the Arts — Visual Arts (VA)

VA:Cr21.1a: Explore uses of materials and tools to create works of art or design

VA:Cr1.2.1a: Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.

Developing Academic Language through the Visual Arts:


Foreground, background, middle ground, space

Language Function: 

Students will be able to describe the features of their character design

Syntax or Discourse: 

(Choose ONE to focus on)

The academic language will focus on syntax

Language Supports: 

Visual aids 

Differentiated Learning:

Whole Class:

Will develop and create a winter landscape

Groups of students with similar needs:

Peer modeling or small group

Individual students:

Visual aids

Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:

Peer modeling, small groups and/or visual aids

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:



Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY 1


Time Allotment 

(Total time:_45___   minutes)


Description: Students will create a winter landscape with oil pastel, watercolor, and collage.

10 minutes

A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

The lesson will start with a meditation ,followed by a class discussion and mini demonstration with student engagement 


Key Questions:

What details can I add to show the cold season in my landscape?

What media will best represent the cold weather?


5 minutes

B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Flow chart

5 minutes

C. Modeling/Demonstration

Mini demonstration by drawing a character such as an animal or person

20 minutes

D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

I will determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives by checking in with them and observing their character creation progress.

5 minutes

E. Closure

With a few students giving examples of their work

Botanical Art Sculptures

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Grade: 3rd

Lesson Title: 

Botanical Art Sculptures

Number of Class periods: 


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to create 3-dimensional works of art modeled after a chosen plant 

Student Connections:

Earth science, environmental preservation, plant life


Students will be observed and monitored through the creative process to guide through character development


Drawing paper, colored pencils, foil, pipe cleaner,

Visual References/ Art Historical References: 

NY Botanical Gardens, Rainforest

New York State Learning Standards for the Arts — Visual Arts (VA)

VA:Pr5.1.2a: Distinguish between different materials or artistic techniques for preparing artwork for presentation.  

Developing Academic Language through the Visual Arts:


ecosystem, ecological art, plant life, botanical,

Language Function: 

Students will be able to explain their creative choices for their sculptures

Syntax or Discourse: 

(Choose ONE to focus on)

The academic language will provide an opportunity to learn discourse while describing their sculpture

Language Supports: 

Visual aids, small groups

Differentiated Learning:

Whole Class:

Will create a botanical sculpture

Groups of students with similar needs:

Will work in small groups together 

Individual students:

Will use visual aids

Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:

Will work in small groups together and have visual aids

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:

Students may misunderstand the lesson and create fruits, vegetables, crops instead of focusing on flowers and other plantlife.



Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY 1


Time Allotment 

(Total time: 45 minutes_   minutes)


Description: Students will sketch the plant of their choice and create a sculpted piece of art using foil and pipe cleaner armature. 

10 minutes

A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

The lesson will start with a meditation ,followed by a class discussion and mini demonstration 


Key Questions:

What are the main features of the plant?


5 minutes

B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Flow chart and slideshow

5 minutes

C. Modeling/Demonstration

Creating a foil base 

20 minutes

D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

I will determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives by checking in with them and observing their progress.

5 minutes

E. Closure

TAG and talk about the next lesson. 

Ocean Life in Watercolor

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Grade: 3rd



Lesson Title: 

Ocean Life in Watercolor

Number of Class periods: 


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to describe different types of marine life and underwater plant life.

Student Connections:

Beaches, Pets, Fish, Science


Students will be observed and monitored through the c


Watercolor paper,pencil,watercolors,cup,water,paint brush

Visual References/Art Historical References: 

New York State Learning Standards for the Arts — Visual Arts (VA)

VA:Cr2.3.3a: Individually or collaboratively construct representations,diagrams, or maps of places that are part of everyday life. 

Developing Academic Language through the Visual Arts:


coral reef, marine mammals, ecosystem, crustaceans, reptiles

Language Function: 

Students will be able to explain their creative choices.

Syntax or Discourse: 

(Choose ONE to focus on)

The academic language will provide an opportunity to learn discourse while describing their work

Language Supports: 

Visual aids, small groups

Differentiated Learning:

Whole Class:

Will create a watercolor painting

Groups of students with similar needs:

Will work in small groups together 

Individual students:

Will use visual aids

Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:

Will work in small groups together and have visual aids

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:

Students may misunderstand the lesson and create cartoon characters they have seen who live in the water, for example, SpongeBob.



Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY 1


Time Allotment 

(Total time:_45___   minutes)


Description: Students will create a painting of underwater plants and animals using watercolor.

10 minutes

A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

The lesson will start with a meditation ,followed by a class discussion and mini demonstration 

Key Questions:

What kinds of animals live underwater?

What types of plant life are only in the ocean?


5 minutes

B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Flow chart followed by slides of ocean mammals, reptiles, and plant life.

5 minutes

C. Modeling/Demonstration

Model the effects of too much or too little water with paint colors.

20 minutes

D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

I will determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives by checking in with them and observing their progress.

5 minutes

E. Closure

Peer feedback and discuss the next lesson.

Garden Collages 

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Grade: 3

Lesson Title: 

Garden Collages

Number of Class periods: 


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to construct collages influenced by plant life and architecture with torn or cut paper. Students will interpret their work of art into a short poem 3-5 lines long. 

Student Connections:

Earth science, environment,gardening,community, food,local parks, national parks, architecture 


Students will be observed and monitored through the creative process to guide them.


Construction paper, glue, pencils, rulers, markers, fabric and mod podge may also be used

Visual References/ Art Historical References: 

New York State Learning Standards for the Arts — Visual Arts (VA)

VA:Cr2.1.4a Explore and invent art making techniques and approaches. 

VA:Re8.1.3a Interpret art by analyzing use of media to create subject matter, characteristics of form, and use of media

Developing Academic Language through the Visual Arts:


Collage, architecture, form

Language Function: 

Students will be able to explain their creative choices for their garden 

Syntax or Discourse: 

(Choose ONE to focus on)

The assignment will provide an opportunity to learn discourse while creating a poem.

Language Supports: 

Visual aids, small groups

Differentiated Learning:

Whole Class:

Will create a garden collage using construction paper or magazines and write a short poem

Groups of students with similar needs:

Will work in small groups together 

Individual students:

Will use visual aids

Students with IEP’s or 504 plans:

Will work in small groups together and have visual aids

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings:

Students may misunderstand the lesson and place apartment buildings or  cartoon characters in the garden.



Teaching Procedure/Task Analysis: DAY 1


Time Allotment 

(Total time: 45 minutes_   minutes)


10 minutes

A. Motivation/Spark/Launch

Review or Transition from Previous Period

The lesson will start with a breathing exercise, followed by a class discussion and mini demonstration with student engagement 


Key Questions:

What can be found in a garden?

What is architecture?


5 minutes

B. Presentation of Lesson Objectives

Flow chart and slideshow

5 minutes

C. Modeling/Demonstration

Demonstration of collage setup and poem.

20 minutes

D. Transition and Work Period (practice and application)

I will determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives by checking in with them and observing their character creation progress.

5 minutes

E. Closure

TAG and talk about the next lesson. 


Name:_________________________________                                                       Class:____________________________

Exit Ticket:   Elements of Nature/ Write one or two things about nature that you will use in your artwork.        

                                                                Garden Collage Rubric




1-Below Standards

2- Approaching

3-Meets Standards

4- Exceeds Standards


Arrangement is confusing 

Arrangement has some purpose but needs work.

Arrangement well thought out with reasons for creative decisions.

Arrangement is well planned with exceptional attention to detail and creative decisions.

Elements of 


Collage is lacking elements of nature

Collage has at least 1 parts of nature

Collage has 2-3 elements of nature

Collage has 4-5  elements of nature.

Craftsmanship (neat, clear, and complete)

Artwork is scribbled or use of media lacks control.

Artwork lacks finishing touches. Color choices are random.

Artwork reflects control of media. Color choices are thoughtful.

Artwork reflects clear control of the media. Color choices are intentional.